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Adventure Aging Nutrition For Over 50's

When we fill our plates with the right balance of nutritious foods, it's like giving our bodies a big old hug from the inside out. Everything simply works better - our digestion, our brain power, our ability to fight off diseases. And the best part? It doesn't have to mean overhauling your whole way of eating overnight. Even little tweaks to your meals and snacks may leave you feeling worlds better.

6 Reasons to Detox in Spring

"By cleansing your body on a regular basis and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!”

- Dr. Edward Group III If you would like to get your body, brain and belly back on track…and kick start your transformation into a more happy, healthy and radiant you, then  this article me be the inspiration you need. 

'Ready, Set, Sparkle!' Spring Detox and Real Food Reset

Are You Ready to SPARKLE this Summer?

I hope so, because I am excited to share some fresh new cleansing, energy boosting and gut loving recipes with you. However, first things first...

Continue reading to learn 6 top reasons why you should be Spring cleaning your body this Spring.

10 Healthy Eating Tips For When You Are Super Busy

The busier you get, the less likely you are to think about healthy eating.  Unfortunately, acting in this way is counterproductive.  You might think you are saving time and being more efficient by grabbing a burger and working through your lunch hour then filling up on coffee when you start to get tired.

However, you are actually reducing your productivity levels by eating in this way.   A poor diet causes you to feel tired and lose energy during the day which has a direct impact on the amount of work you get done.  It also contributes to a number of more serious health problems such as chronic disease and weight gain.

Why Do Some Raw Vegetables Cause Gas?

Raw food has so many benefits. It’s rich in enzymes, all the vitamins remain intact, and typically it’s easier on the digestive system than cooked food. Until it’s not… you see there are just some vegetables that are difficult to digest raw. Particularly vegetables in the cruciferous family- cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower etc.

How Do I Feed the Good Bacteria in my Gut?

We all have a huge number of friendly bacteria living within and upon our bodies.  We are actually made up of more bacterial cells than human cells.  Yet, for many of us the balance of good bacteria to bad bacteria can often become out of whack, leading to dysbiosis and…. Frustrating symptoms and ailments, illness and disease.  So, how can we nurture the friendly bacteria and reap their health rewards?

Guacamole Made Simple

The best condiment on the planet if you ask me, has to be guacamole. It’s easy to make, delicious and filled with healthy fats, vitamins, enzymes and fibre. If  go to the shops there are so many pre made versions of guacamole, however they are loaded with artificial preservatives, favours and colours… PLUS 98% of them are made with hydrogenated oils or vegetable oils.

If people knew how insanely easy guacamole really is they wouldn’t be buying this stuff. Fresh, homemade guacamole from scratch takes less than 10 minutes and is 10 million times better than anything you can get from the store.

15 Signs You May Be Deficient In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

It’s not only what we get too much of, but what we are lacking.  The lack of immune-modulating, ant-inflammatory micronutrients, including vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fats, drives even more inflammation.” – Dr Mark Hyman

In this quote Dr Mark Hyman is continuing on from a discussion about the harmful changes that a poor diet has upon our gut microbiome, leading to leaky gut, detrimental changes to the immune system and inflammation. He names concerns and foods such as overprocessed and fried foods, sugars and refined grains, as some of the biggest inflammation drivers.

However, he also turns his attention to the, all too common, LACK of important and essential nutrients that our bodies require.

The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Perimenopause and Menopause

Research and anecdotal evidence has shown that the right balance of omega-6 to omega-3 in perimenopausal and post-menopausal women does help to reduce and manage many of the common symptoms that women struggle with.  Obviously, results are often far better when natural supplements to support the body are used in conjunction with a natural, healthy diet and balanced lifestyle, however optimising the omega 6:3 ratio and thus supporting your body to reduce inflammation, is a great step forward.

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on ADD, ADHD and ASD - One Family's Remarkable Story

Vitek's Story

Hear the proven results by restoring cellular health for children with ADD, ADHD and ASD.  

A truely inspirational journey when you think there is no hope.

Tomáš Brožek shares his son’s journey and how his life has changed using ZINZINOs tested based nutritional concept.

Gut Health: 3 Steps to Greater Joy!

You deserve to be happy, feel joy and smile from deep within. 

However, we all have days when it’s easy to get sucked into negativity and despair. When nothing seems to go your way. When the craziness around you starts to influence your own thoughts. When you wish you were as awesome as someone else who “seems” to have it all worked out…

Stop there and take a lovely deep belly breathe…because I have a few simple strategies that you can implement today to start increasing your level of joy. Every day is a new opportunity for growth, and today is the day to choose to honour your right to whole hearted happiness. 

Gut Health: My Favourite Teas for Healthy Digestion & Gut Loving Wellness

There’s nothing better than drinking a warm cup of tea, at least 60 minutes after a rich meal to help promote digestion. When feeling bloated and uncomfortable the right herbal tea is a great option to reach for.  Whether it’s fresh herbs or dried,  a digestion supporting tea may help to bring an almost instant sense of relief and comfort.  Plus, the use of fresh herbal teas daily are fantastic for overall health and wellness.  Did you know that many of the long and active living elders of Ikaria drink herbal tea, freshly picked from their garden, on a daily basis?

Read on to find out my top herbal tea picks for digestion and gut health.

Gut Health Tips - 3 Ways to Relieve Constipation

Constipation is the pits, and it happens to everyone at some point. When you transition from a typical diet into a clean eating gut revitalising type diet, you might experience constipation. It’s fairly common because all of a sudden your body is getting food it’s not used to.

When constipation strikes try these natural remedies. Eventually your body and digestion will adjust to your new awesome eating style. In the meantime…

Gut Health: Why I Fell In Love With Digestive Enzymes

When I started learning about all the toxins I was putting into my body through years of processed food, I was horrified. I started to ask myself, how can I help my organs to get rid of these toxins more effectively? How can I help my gut to repair itself so that I don’t have bloating and gas for the rest of time? The answer wasn’t far away. The answer in part, for me, was digestive enzymes, especially in the beginning of my gut health journey.

Soup: Your Way to Gut Health & Nourishment

Soup certainly doesn’t sound like any special life changing superfood. It’s soup, you’ve eaten it all your life. Yet soup has massive potential that is often hidden behind nasty preservatives and less than ideal flavouring agents. The true beauty and nourishment happens with whole food ingredients and high quality homemade bone broth. This is where the magic happens.

Gut Health Recipes: Chia Pudding Made Easy

Chia pudding is my go-to dessert because it’s incredibly healthy AND delicious. There are 101 ways to make chia pudding (maybe more) but today I want to share a few of my favourite combinations and how you can get super creative with your own pudding concoctions.

Digestion & Gut Health: How & Why To Make A Mono Meal For Better Digestion

What exactly is a mono meal and why is it beneficial? Very good question - one which can be answered by taking a step back in time. You see our ancestors, for thousands of years, wouldn’t have had access to the diverse array of delicious foods that we have at our finger tips on a daily basis.
It would’ve been more of a scenario like… You found a berry bush at its’ prime ripeness!  Ancestrally we would’ve understood that with no way to preserve such bounty, we’d have to eat as much as we could right then and there.

Gut Health Recipes: Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps - Sneak Peek

What do you do when all you want is a taco, however you know that it probably isn’t the healthiest choice? You eat one of these tasty Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps! These are a perfectly satisfying comfort food loaded with flavoursome and filling chicken.

You don’t need to sacrifice your health to eat delicious food, you just need to become creative.

Ginger Garlic Saute

I love making a big batch of this as a side or addition to my salads during the week. The combination of ginger and garlic is simply divine and adds a punch to any meal. Loaded with healthy gut loving purple cabbage, carrots and sesame, this makes for a great side alongside a plate of meatballs, steak or fish.

How Exercise Boosts Your Gut Health, Energy & Longevity!

Exercise isn’t all about the physical. It goes far beyond muscle tone, cardio health and flexibility.  Exercise affects your whole body, including your gut. Many professional athletes show a much more diverse microbiome than their non-exercising counterparts of similar age and weight.

Moving your body helps stimulate the lymphatic system, the system that helps your body to remove toxins and maintain a healthy circulation. Other ways to stimulate the lymphatic system include massage and dry brushing, however exercise is highly effective and has other benefits including boosting mood and cardiovascular health.
Exercise helps gut flora by modulating it and increasing diversity. It helps with detoxification, which increases oxygen levels in the blood, leading to improved natural energy.  This is of great benefit, especially for those suffering from gut issues and trying to repair their digestion. When the powerful mood boosting effects of exercise meet those of a healthy microbiome, something amazing happens. We take back our power and realise that feeling good is in our hands.

Parsnip Cream Soup

Parsnips are a food that many people shy away from because they don’t know what the heck to do with them. I can tell you that parsnips are a staple for many fine-dining chefs because they’re naturally creamy and luxurious. As humble of a vegetable as they might appear, parsnips are quite versatile and dynamic.

My favourite way to enjoy parsnips is in this super simple creamy parsnip soup. It really hits the spot on a chilly Autumn or Winter day or, it can be enjoyed cold in the summer.

Give parsnips a chance and, you might just end up with a new favourite root vegetable like me!

Clean Satay Dressing

This ‘Clean’ Satay Dressing is just beautiful and will enhance the flavour of most salad, vegetable, steak and chicken dishes. I love this recipe because the traditional use of peanuts has been replaced with organic activated almonds. Peanuts are quite an acidic food. High acidity levels within the body cause aggravation and inflammation, leading to distress and disease.

Acne & the Healing Benefits of Real Food

Acne and skin problems are common occurrences, especially amongst adolescents and young adults of Westernised nations.  Diminished quality of life for sufferers may be extensive with reports of social withdrawal, anxiety and depression [2].  Therefore, treatment that resolves the underlying problem is essential.  

Connection - Nutrition, Omega 3-Fatty Acids and Lowered Anxiety

We all feel anxious at times; it’s our body’s approach to keeping us attentive.  However, when worry or fear escalates and starts to interfere with your day-to-day life, a more serious issue may be at hand [1]. Anxiety disorders aren’t caused by a single factor, but rather by a complex combination of occurrences...

Multivitamins and Supplements: Superheroes or do we need to be Super Aware?

Kids love superheroes, and what better way to subliminally entice them, and their parents, into the world of supplementation than promoting these products on television advertisements where supplements and multivitamins are the heroes here to save YOU! 

The Beneficial Effects of Spices Upon the Gut Microbiome

Spices, the aromatic or pungent vegetable substances that have been used for thousands of years for both culinary and health purposes [4], are just one of the many foods beneficial for our gut microbiota.  There is an abundance of historical documentation highlighting the use of spices for medicinal purposes. 

Iridology - What Does This Iris Tell Me?

Iridology, is an alternative health technique that uses the colours, patterns, and various other properties of the iris to assess the structure, function, chemical composition and general health of an individual. The technique of iridology is based on the belief that each organ in the human body has a corresponding region in the iris.

What is the Gut-Brain Connection

The gut brain axis is a two-way communication pathway between our Central Nervous System (the brain and spinal cord) and our Enteric Nervous System (which controls the function of the gastrointestinal tract/gut). Just like a highway connecting two cities, traffic, or in this case impulses/signals, can flow in either direction via the vagus nerve (a nerve extending from the brain stem to the abdomen [5]).  These extensive range of signals deliver essential messages to both the brain and the gut relaying information such as mood, immune response, digestion and heart rate [2]. 

Gut Health & Stool Testing

With the understanding that inferior digestive function and imbalanced gut flora play a critical role in the underlying cause of numerous health conditions, stool testing provides valuable information for patients and practitioners with regards to disease states [4].

Losing Excess Weight May Improve Your Chances of Falling Pregnant

Quality of life, vitality and wellness are just a few of the ‘buzz’ words floating around, that relate to good health optimisation, however it is well known that these health-related qualities decrease proportionally to an increase in adipose fat tissue [1].  The question is, will an excess of weight affect your chances of falling pregnant?  The answer quite possibly being “YES!” 

Do You Need to Love Your Liver?

Do any of these symptoms frustrate you?

Low HDL cholesterol (the good stuff)?
High LDL (the not so good stuff)?
Skin issues?
Spider veins?
Blood sugar issues?
Regular colds and flu's?
Overheating (especially at night)?
Low energy? 
A roll of fat just under the bra line?

You may need to send a little more love in the direction of your liver.

Healthy liver function is crucial to our overall health and wellness. It is involved in nearly every organ system of the body.  

What's the GO with GMO?

We know that GMO stands for GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM, right?  But…What is the actual process of GMO?  How is agriculture genetically modified?  And what are the implications?  The process of genetic engineering involves changing the genetic makeup of an organism in a laboratory.  There are two different processes that may be utilised for undertaking this task. One such process involves inserting genes from other species. An example may be the insertion of viral or bacterial genes into plants, like soybeans or corn.  The other option is Gene Editing...

Probiotics: Enhancing Gut & Immune Health

Gut bugs, of which you have approximately 32.7 trillion, perform an extraordinary number of roles in your body [1].  The key component to not only physical, but also mental, vitality and wellness is to sustain the right balance of these microbes.

Major observations from different studies and science projects, have shown that lifestyle and diet affect the diversity of the human gut microbiome and over the past decade, have illuminated the ever-increasing importance of gut flora upon our health.  Our modern lifestyle, in the majority of cases, is not supportive of a well-balanced microbiome and may in fact be leading to the disruption of this special system, or ‘organ’.   

Cool as a Cucumber Smoothie

Cucumbers are refreshing summer fruits that that offer a little nutritional boost with every bite.  Apart from being great natural cooling systems for your body and supporting it to maintain hydration, they may also help to regulate bowel movements ease a headache, soothe skin irritations and reduce PMS.  I accidentally created this delicious combination one Sunday morning after a family beach adventure...and we all loved it.

4 Foods that Help Bust Sugar Cravings!

Choosing fresh and natural foods when you are craving something a little sweet is not only a whole lot better for you, it may also help curb your sweet carvings altogether.  Try some of these sugar craving solutions next time you feel the need for sweet satisfaction.

One reason why you crave for sugar is because of a chromium deficiency. Chromium is a metal which is seen as a very important trace element in your body. This metal is also very essential in the metabolism of fats and proteins as well as carbohydrates...

Understanding Leptin and its’ Effects on Weight Gain and Obesity

In simple terms, Leptin is a hormone...
often associated with another hormone named, ghrelin.  Together these two hormones drive hunger and appetite [2].  Leptin is a protein that is produced, and secreted, by your fat cells [1].  The amount of leptin produced within the fat cells is directly proportionate to the triglyceride content, of these fat cells.  Under a microscope, fat cells look like swollen little spheres. Each cell has a cell membrane (a barrier) and a nucleus (containing the genetic material that controls the activities of the cell), but their bulk is made up of droplets of stored triglycerides, which look similar in consistency to most plant oils we use.  For example, olive oil or peanut oil [3].  Most weight loss and weight gain occur when these fat cells expand and shrink, as the energy inside is stored or burned [3].

Crunch and Go Breakkie

This is an easy, quick and filling breakfast for those mornings that you are simply running out of time, trying to get out the door. Filled with beautiful fats, greens, probiotics, prebiotics and a burst sweet flavour from the wild blueberries.

Massaged Kale Salad

This salad is delightfully nourishing and gives you all the benefits of kale, without the digestive distress. When you massage kale you break down some of the tough fibres in the cell wall that make raw kale hard to digest.

When I started eating a cleaner, more raw diet, I couldn’t digest kale very well. It upset my digestion and I didn’t get what all the fuss was about. If this happens to you the solution is to either steam your kale or massage it. This recipe is one of my favorite’s because you still get all the amazing benefits of raw kale: the enzymes, magnesium, vitamin C and more.

Solutions for Implementing an Ancestral Diet in a Modern World

Changing your dietary approach to a more ancestral or paleolithic style of eating and living does not have to be a complicated process… in fact it is quite simple because the foods you are choosing to purchase and put onto your plate, most of the time, will be real, whole foods… no food labels to decipher, no nasty additives, minimal packaging, just fresher, more nutritious eating. This article explores solutions for many of the common probelms people face when considering an ancestral style diet.

Gut Nourish Smoothie

Gut Nourish Smoothie

Your gut, your inner kingdom, your microbiome; these are all different words for the same thing. The extent of health within your gut microbiome, your inner world, directly depicts the health, energy and radiance projected to your outer world.

Keeping your gut healthy and happy is one of the big secrets to good digestion, glowing skin and increased energy.

Incorporating a variety of gut loving ingredients, recipes & real food supplements into your daily life helps incredibly to re-establish and maintain a healthy intestinal flora.  Enjoying a smoothie loaded with beneficial microbes is a daily addition to your diet that will optimise your health results over time.

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