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'Ready, Set, Sparkle!' Spring Detox and Real Food Reset

Are you ready to SPARKLE this Summer?

I hope so, because I am excited to share some fresh new cleansing, energy boosting and gut loving recipes with you.
However, first things first...

Continue reading to learn 6 top reasons why you should be Spring cleaning your body this Spring.


6 Reasons Why You Should Detox in Spring

  • Reduce toxins - Our bodies are smart and are always detoxing. However, we live in modern times, where our food, water, air and environment are full of toxins, placing a bigger burden on our bodies. By cleansing using organic seasonal foods, we help our bodies release the accumulation of toxins and help support the liver, kidneys and digestion, allowing them to play their important parts in the detoxification process.
  • Balance your microbiome - By following a detox composed of seasonal foods along with probiotics and prebiotics, you'll decrease the unfavourable bacteria in your gut, feed the beneficial bacteria, and improve your overall well-being.
  • Enhance your natural beauty - With such an abundance of seasonal, fresh, real foods and drinks your body will be nourished with antioxidants which support the anti-aging process. There is less work for the body to digest seasonal foods and drinks, which gives it the chance to put more energy into enhancing natural beauty. Who doesn't want glossy hair and glowing skin?
  • Boost immunity - Tossing processed foods in the rubbish and switching to seasonal foods during this detox and reset (making it a lifestyle won’t hurt either) will reduce stress and inflammation within the body therefore, boosting your immune system. Long term, this may equate to less colds and flus, reduced severity and better recovery.
  • Reduce inflammation - If you haven’t heard the word yet, chronic inflammation is linked to heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, and many other illnesses. When detoxing using seasonal foods, you remove the foods that trigger inflammation. Some of those trigger foods include gluten, dairy, sugar, corn and genetically modified foods.
  • Jump-start weight loss - Through this seasonal food detox, you'll flood your body with vegetables, hydration, fibre, healthy fats and good bacteria while eliminating sugar, processed foods, and alcohol, all of which will support minimised bloating and reduced cravings. Fueling your body with these foods will promote weight loss instead of weight gain. A healthy body will naturally balance its weight over time.

Detoxing by seasonal eating helps your body to self-adjust, self-regulate, and where possible, self-heal.

This means:

  • Reduced or no bloating
  • Healthy glowing skin
  • Weight maintenance
  • Improved energy
  • Clearing of brain fog
  • Better sleep
  • Optimal overall health

It simply makes sense!

If you would like to get your body, brain and belly back on track…and kick start your transformation into a more vibrant, happy and healthy you, my new wellness program...

‘Ready, Set, Sparkle!’ Spring Detox and Real Food Reset the perfect solution for you.  


What is a toxin? - A toxin is any substance that is harmful to your body. Pollution, poisons, chemicals, synthetics, artificial foods and by-products. Toxins can be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, from food, water and air.

What is a detox? - A detox is a set of actions designed to decrease or remove toxins and waste from your body. Your body does this naturally, every day by excreting waste through bowel movements, sweating, exhaling and urinating. However, many factors can weaken this normal function and hinder your body's ability to eliminate these kinds of harmful substances. When your system becomes overloaded, toxins begin to build up in the body and the result impacts your overall health...gut, body and brain! Body detox and cleansing help to release this burden.

Should I seek advice from a doctor before beginning a detox? - Yes. If you are in the care of a doctor or have known medical issues, you should always seek advice from your doctor before starting any program. Even if you feel great, it doesn’t hurt to have another opinion as you make your decision. Explain that this detox eliminates common allergens and inflammatory foods, is based on fresh, seasonal whole foods, and does not require supplements. Your doctor will help you determine if this is right for you based on the current state of your health.

If you ever have any uncertainties regarding your state of health or already have a medical issue, or are pregnant and/or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before beginning any detox and cleanse program.

Can I exercise while doing the detox? - Exercise helps flush out toxins and helps release stored stress and tension. Exercise also helps to promote positive thinking, boost your confidence and calm your mind plus, it supports an overall improvement in your sense of health and well-being. Break a sweat in a fun way every day, listening to your body and making adjustments where necessary.

What can I do if I don’t have time to cook? - There are many options to help with shortcuts in the kitchen. Look for pre-made salad mixes, seasonal soups with only whole food ingredients, pre-chopped fruit, and veg, etc. Batch cooking also helps many busy people eat healthier! If you need support in this area, reach out to me.

What if I’m hungry? - You can eat as much food as your body needs – though it’s important to begin to feel the difference between true hunger, blood sugar imbalance and/or cravings that can indicate nutrient deficiencies. Many detox fans come to enjoy not feeling full or heavy from eating foods they don't really need. It becomes enjoyable to fully experience true hunger because you know that your body has rested and digested and now needs more nourishment.

Can I do this detox if I am pregnant or breastfeeding or have a medical condition? - The short answer is yes, however with a few modifications. The foundation of the program is clean eating and liver support. Pregnancy and breastfeeding don't preclude good liver health! However, we do NOT want any heavy detoxing currently, therefore...

  • Herbs, new supplements and things like castor oil packs are NOT advised. Heavy skin brushing is NOT advised, however you should be okay to use light strokes.
  • Anyone with a condition or known health concern should consult with their physician before beginning any programs or implementing changes to their nutritional approach.

You should also be sure to:

  • Consume adequate proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • Stay hydrated

I have to feed my family and I’m afraid they won’t like this food… What should I do?

Simple shifts to make for family-friendly kids meals:

  • Add a familiar protein,
  • Offer a little more fruit,
  • Make more protein balls, or
  • Freeze dairy-free yogurt into probiotic-rich desserts. 
  • Smoothies are also often an easy win with kids. Start with simple ones like a handful of baby spinach, a cup of berries and a banana.
  • Look at the recipes in the recipe guide as inspiration for ingredients

What can I do if I must eat out? Can I still do the detox?

    • Salads with no dressing, or olive oil and vinegar on the side
    • Steamed vegetables
    • Baked vegetables
    • Wild salmon
    • Mineral/soda water with fresh lemon or lime
    • Unsweetened green tea

      Treat your detox list as if they are food allergies right now --- let your server know or ask what options meet your needs.  You may not like it, or you may be very pleasantly surprised by what is available. Either way, you’ll know that your choices continue to support your health.  


      Are you ready to Sparkle this Summer? 


      The detox is run in 3 phases, including:

      • Pre detox (3 days)
      • Detox (10 days)
      • Transition (15 days)

      ✅ All recipes and suggested meal plans are provided, along with education and tools to support detoxing.   
      ✅ Over the 4-weeks you will receive new information and support via email.
      ✅ Stay on track with weekly, one-on-one accountability zoom check in's with Kerrin Brown, Nutrition and Natural Health Practitioner..  

      Start Date: You choose your date in SPRING ONLY, that works for your schedule.
      Duration: 4 weeks
      Price: $225

      "I'm in!  How do I sign up?

      Simply click the button below to sign up for your self-care, rejuvenating detox.